"Introduction: In general hospital, a lot of patients are consulted to one department from another. We analysed the patients who consulted from the Neurosurgery (NS) department to Urology department for various reasons. Material and methods: The clinical data of patients who consulted from the NS department to Urology department was analysed. And we analysed the results of urinalysis and urine culture data, and antibiotics resistance data. Results: Only 8.4% of neurosurgical patients were consulted to Urology department. In 40 patients, voiding difficulty was most common in 13 post-operative and 8 peri-operative patients. In nineteen cases who had no urinary tract infection (UTI), 5 showed UTI after neurosurgical procedure. Conclusions: Considering of high prevalence of voiding dysfunction and benign prostatic hyperplasia, very small proportion of neurosurgical patients were consulted to Urology department and the most of them had voiding failure during post-operative care. The education for neurosurgical surgeon about voiding dysfunction is needed for higher quality of patients care."