Animal model refers to a non-human animal with a disease or injury that is similar to a human condition. Animal model is classified as induced model, naturally occurring model and genetically mutant model using the animal such as rat, mouse, rabbit, cat and so on. In consideration of chemical cystitis related model, methods of development of animal model are noxious intravesical stimuli, noxious systemic stimuli, noxious environmental stimuli and naturally occurring bladder disease in cats. These cystitis models introduced to interstitial cystitis, painful bladder syndrome. And in consideration of bacterial cystitis related model, identification and characterization of uropathogenic E. coli is useful method. On the other hands, innoculation of uropathogenic E. coli into the mouse or rats possible method. But animal models are weak in surrounding environments and stimuli, so the results from those can be changed. There is a wide variation between drug responses in dog and parrots, because of species differences. And in aspect of animal welfare consideration, we must remember that healthy animals used as experimental subjects serve as a means to our study.