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Urogenit Tract Infect : Urogenital Tract Infection



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HOME > Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm > Volume 5(2); 2010 > Article
Review Article Genital and Urethral Warts
Keon Cheol Lee, In Rae Cho

회음부 및 요도 사마귀
이건철, 조인래
Urogenital Tract Infection 2010;5(2):151-160.

Published online: October 31, 2010

From the Department of Urology, Inje University, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Goyang, Korea
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External genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI) which appear as typical skin growing lesions in the perigenital and perianal regions. The causative organisms are low-risk human paillomavirus (HPV), mostly types 6, 11. Physical examination assisted with bright light and magnification is usually enough for diagnosis, but biopsy is needed in cases that are refractory to treatment or exhibit atypical lesion appearance. Genital warts are benign and resolves spontaneously in some patients and removal of lesions do not guarantee elimination of all organisms or confer protection from recurrence. Treatment is consisted of diverse drug application locally and surgical therapy. Urethral warts are uncommon presentation of HPV and could be treated by endoscopic surgery accompanied by intraurethral instillation of medications. Vaccination for HPV is promising up to 4 years and can be an important strategy against HPV, but have to be proven with additional long-term results.

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    Genital and Urethral Warts
    Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm. 2010;5(2):151-160.   Published online October 31, 2010

Urogenit Tract Infect : Urogenital Tract Infection
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