The number of people living with HIV/AIDS continued to grow, estimated to be 39.5 million as of the end of 2006, while 4.3 million people were newly infected in 2006. High risk behaviors (intravenous drug use and unprotected sex bewteen men or with paid sex workers) are the predominent route of transmission. The close relationship between HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have been well known. Earlier diagnosis and treatment of STDs can be an effective tool in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS. An understanding of the relationship between STDs and HIV/AIDS can help in the development of effective HIV/AIDS prevention programs for persons with high-risk sexual behaviors. We need to keep in mind that HIV/AIDS is expected to continued to grow in the foreseeable future in Korea as well as globally unless drastic efforts are made to prevent or manage STD adequately and to spread an understanding of the relationship between STDs and HIV/AIDS.