Primary Tuberculosis in Spermatic Cord Mimicking as an Inguinal Hernia
Youl Keun Seong
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2008;3(2):240-243. Published online October 31, 2008
- Genital tuberculosis occuring in the spermatic cord is a very rare disease. A 64-year old patient presented with a mass on the right side of the inguinal area which had been painful and had gradually enlarged since 2 weaks ago. Under the ultrasonoghaphic diagnosis of a right inguinal hernia, surgical exploration was performed. The lesion was tuberculosis histopathologically and there was no apparent coexisting tuberculous lesion elsewhere in the body. After postoperative ajuvant antituberculous therapy for 4 months, recurrence has not been found.