Condyloma Lata Mimicking as a Condyloma Accuminata with Syphilis
Seung Hoon Cho, Myung Jin Lee, Jong Wan Lim, Yun Won Park, Seung Ki Min
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2008;3(2):236-239. Published online October 31, 2008
- Condyloma lata is white lesions associated with secondary syphilis. Considering the recent increased in the incidence of syphilis in the Republic of Korea, such lesions are likely to present frequently. Differential diagnosis between Condyloma lata and Condyloma accuminata is required because they have in common with veneral warts the fact that they are both raised lesions on the vulva (or penis) or anus. A 20-year-old man was referred for a chancre at penile glans and numerous perianal masses. Serologic test for syphilis (VDRL, TPHA) will be positive. We misconceived condyloma accuminata with primary syphilis, then circumcision and perianal masses excision were done with Benzathine Penicillin G 24-hundred thousand U IM injection. As a pathologic result, they were doubted strongly skin lesions of syphilis, and HPV detection test was negative.