Systemic Candidiasis in Patient with Urinary Stone
Hyoung Sang Kim, Ja Ok Kim, Dong Hoon Lim, Jun Rho, Chul Sung Kim
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2010;5(1):82-86. Published online April 30, 2010
- Invasive fungal infections, especially candidemia and systemic candidiasis, have become a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the last few decades. Invasive candidiasis accounts for up to from 15 to 30% of all nosocomial infections in critically ill patients. Management of these severe infections has been challenging due to a lack of rapid and reliable diagnostic methods, leading to delay in initiating appropriate antifungal therapy. We report a case of 63 year-old male suggesting right acute pyelonephritis with upper ureteral stone and finally identified systemic candidiasis invading to both eyes.