The Value of Transrectal Ultrasonography Guided Needle Aspiration in Prostate Abscess
Dae Eun Shin, Dong Hoon Lim, Hyung Yoon Moon, Jun Rho, Chul Sung Kim
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2007;2(2):197-202. Published online October 31, 2007
- "Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of transrectal ultrasonogram guided needle aspiration and drainage of prostatic abscess. Material and Methods: From January, 2005 to June, 2007, six patients who were diagnosed as prostate abscess and treated in Chosun University Hospital were examined. Assessment parameters included associated disease, symptoms, analysis of midstream urine, blood, and aspirated abscess for leukocyte and common pathogen, digital rectal examination, transrectal sonography, and abdomen-pelvic CT. Managment of prostatic abscess included broad-spectrum antibiotics with or without transrectal ultrasonogram guided needle aspiration. During the follow up, transrectal ultrasound examination and abdomen-pelvic CT, urine analysis and urine culture were performed on an outpatient basis. Result: For all patients, antibiotic therapy and suprapubic cystostomy were performed. Of six patients, four patients received transrectal ultrasonogram guided needle aspiration additionally. One patient was treated by transrectal ultrasonogram guided needle aspiration after the initial treatment of transurethral incision of the prostate was failed. All patients were treated effectively without complications. Conclusion: It is suggested that transrectal ultrasonogram guided needle aspiration is relatively safe and has high success rates regardless of the size, number, and location of abscess."
Renal Tuberculosis Mimicking Abscess in Calyceal Diverticulum
Dong Hoon Lim, Yun Il Kang, Hyung Yoon Moon, Joon Rho, Chul Sung Kim
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2007;2(1):96-99. Published online May 31, 2007
- Renal tuberculosis is a rare disease, which can be easily misdiagnosed. Radiologically the following conditions may mimic renal tuberculosis: chronic pyelonephritis, papillary necrosis, medullary sponge kidney, calyceal diverticulum, renal carcinoma and xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. A 27 year old woman presented with recurrent episodes of urinary frequency and intermittent febrile sensation. Laboratory studies for genitourinary tuberculosis showed negative results. Excretory urography and abdominal CT scan revealed the finding of abscess in cealyceal diverticulum in the right kidney. Under the clinical diagnosis of an abscess in calyceal diverticulum, right partial nephrectomy was performed. The pathologic diagnosis revealed renal tuberculosis. We report a case of renal tuberculosis mimicking abscess in calyceal diverticulum.