Risk Factors for Elevation of Prostate-Specific Antigen in Acute Prostatitis
Jun-Mo Kim, Eui-Sang Lee, Kwang-Woo Lee, Young-Ho Kim, Min-Eui Kim
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2012;7(1):56-62. Published online April 30, 2012
- "Purpose: To evaluate the influence of risk factors for elevation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in acute prostatitis. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study examined the records of 93 patients with acute prostatitis from March 2002 to July 2011. These patients were divided into two groups into high PSA group (77 patients, 82.8%) and normal PSA group (16 patients, 17.2%). We evaluated clinical factors, including voiding symptoms, co-morbidity, laboratory test for general and local inflammation, prostate size and result of urine culture. Results: The positive culture rate was 38.7%, and E. coli was the most common organism (66.7%). The only significant risk factor correlated with the elevation of PSA was the size of the prostate (40.0±21.7gm Vs 26.2±7.2gm)(p=0.003). The other clinical factors were not significantly correlated with the elevation of serum PSA. Conclusions: The only clinical factor for elevation of PSA was the prostate size. However, because the prostate size in acute inflammatory period would reflect both the usual prostate size and acute swelling by edema, influence of local inflammation could not be clearly excluded."