Unusual Presentation of Secondary Syphilis in Korea: 2010-2014 Review
Dan Song, Jae Heon Kim
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2015;10(1):19-24. Published online April 30, 2015
- The prevalence of syphilis differs according to the object and district. Diagnosis of syphilis remains challenging, as the absence of classical features of disease, such as the secondary syphilis orogenital lesion rash, might make accurate diagnosis difficult. However, recent studies have reported a growing prevalence of symptomatic syphilis in Korea. The main reason is the rise in primary and secondary syphilis. The most common clinical features of primary and secondary syphilis are orogenital lesions, masculopapapular rash, and generalized lymphadenopathy. An increasing number of unusual clinical presentations have been reported among secondary syphilis cases. The aim of this study was to remind us of the significance of syphilis by highlighting the unusual clinical presentation of secondary syphilis.