Prevention of Infections Associated with Urological Surgery: Hygiene and Education
Bong-Suk Shim
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2011;6(2):129-139. Published online October 31, 2011
- The safety of the patient depends upon a clean environment in the wards and operating theatre. Good hospital hygiene is an integral and important component of a strategy for preventing hospital acquired infections. The hospital environment must be visibly clean, free from dust and spoilage, acceptable to the patients, their family and visitors and to the staff. Each hospital should have rules and recommendations for maintaining a clean environment with scheduled routines. All staff must maintain good personal hygiene. Appropriate hospital clothing is recommended in conjunction with all patient contact in the wards, the out-patient departments and operating area. Careful hand washing and disinfection and appropriate clothing are key measures to limit cross-contamination and each hospital must have written policies and procedures for these matters. Regular teaching and training of staff in infection control is required to reach the aims of reducing health acquired infections.